
BR1-11:Sleeping Beauty

"but you won't die. You and everyone else in the castle will fall into a deep sleep."(p. [n.p.]).

When I was childfood, I often heard this story. I think that this story is a fairy tale. But it is a romance story.
 Especially, majour charactors appear needs of romance story in this story. For example, very beautiful princess, Rose, her kind of parents, a bad witch who uninvited, Nightshade, and a prince who help Rose, Florien and so on.
 And, many fairies gave her some witches in this story. For example, "Rose will be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom." Other, she will be clever, good at sing a song, and dance to perfectly and so on. I want to the talent too.
Knighton, Kate. (2006). Sleep Beauty. New York, USA: USBORNE YOUNG READING

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