
Typing7: My favorite elementary school memory

Today, I will write about "My favorite elementary school memory". Although the talk written from now on can be apparently considered to be pitiful, it is very favorite recollections. When I was a kindergarten, it is a marathon convention that remains in memory most strongly. Although it is a marathon convention, it went [ easy ] around along the road around the building of a kindergarten. Seemingly, my mother thought it that it may see and I may be that some kindergartners had fallen over intuitive, when starting. But it is said that it regards who fell over as different since it was not visible, and it was waiting for the goal. Then, he heard that it has run while I whose leg was injured in the about 3rd from the last cry. Although it is visible like very pitiful recollections, for me, it is one of the favorite recollections. Writing, it became very nostalgic.


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